Getting started Login with MetaMask_

. Creating a MetaMask Wallet

Creating a MetaMask wallet is straightforward:

  1. Click the MetaMask fox icon and select "Get Started."

  2. Click "Create a Wallet."

  3. Set a strong password for your wallet.

  4. Carefully read and accept the terms of use.

  5. You will be presented with a unique set of seed words. Write them down and store them securely offline. These words are crucial for wallet recovery.

  6. Confirm the seed words in the correct order to complete wallet creation.

. Backing up Your Wallet

Securing your wallet's seed phrase is paramount:

  1. Click the MetaMask fox icon and select "Settings."

  2. Choose "Security & Privacy."

  3. Click "Reveal Seed Phrase" and authenticate with your password.

  4. Write down the seed words and store them in a safe place offline.

. Adding and Managing Accounts

You can manage multiple accounts within MetaMask:

  1. Click your account avatar in the top right corner.

  2. Select "Create Account" to generate new accounts.

  3. To switch between accounts, click the account avatar and choose the desired account.

. Navigating the MetaMask Interface

MetaMask offers a user-friendly interface:

  1. Account Balance: Displays your account's cryptocurrency balance.

  2. Network: Choose between Ethereum's mainnet and testnets.

  3. Send: Initiate cryptocurrency transfers.

  4. Receive: Obtain your wallet address for receiving funds.

  5. Activity: Track your transaction history.

Last updated